
Zenpy is a Python wrapper for the Zendesk API. The goal of the project is to make it possible to write clean, fast, Pythonic code when interacting with Zendesk programmatically. The wrapper tries to keep API calls to a minimum. Wherever it makes sense objects are cached, and attributes of objects that would trigger an API call are evaluated lazily.

The wrapper supports both reading and writing from the API.

Zenpy supports both Python2 and Python3.


pip install zenpy


First, create a Zenpy object:

# Zenpy accepts an API token
creds = {
    'email' : 'youremail',
    'token' : 'yourtoken',
    'subdomain': 'yoursubdomain'

# An OAuth token
creds = {
  "subdomain": "yoursubdomain",
  "oauth_token": "youroathtoken"

# Or a password
creds = {
    'email' : 'youremail',
    'password' : 'yourpassword',
    'subdomain': 'yoursubdomain'

# Import the Zenpy Class
from zenpy import Zenpy

# Default
zenpy_client = Zenpy(**creds)

# Alternatively you can provide your own requests.Session object
zenpy_client = Zenpy(**creds, session=some_session)

# If you are providing your own HTTPAdapter object, Zenpy provides defaults via the
# Zenpy.http_adapter_kwargs() method. You can choose to use these defaults like so:
session = requests.Session()
session.mount('https://', MyAdapter(**Zenpy.http_adapter_kwargs()))
zenpy_client = Zenpy(**creds, session=some_session)

Custom Domains

By default zenpy will make request to:


(with domain being by default zendesk.com), in some cases you may want to override this behaviour (like for local testing or if you have a custom domain for zendesk) You can do this by setting the environment variables:


  • ZENPY_FORCE_SCHEME (default to https)

when set it will force request on:


Searching the API

All of the search parameters defined in the Zendesk search documentation should work fine in Zenpy. Searches are performed by passing keyword arguments to the search endpoint. The keyword arguments line up with the Zendesk search documentation and are mapped as follows:




: (equality)


> (numeric|type)


< (numeric|type)


> (time|date)


< (time|date)


- (negation)


> < (dates only)

For example, the code:

yesterday = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
today = datetime.datetime.now()
for ticket in zenpy_client.search("zenpy", created_between=[yesterday, today], type='ticket', minus='negated'):
    print ticket

Would generate the following API call:

/api/v2/search.json?query=zenpy+created>2015-08-29 created<2015-08-30+type:ticket+-negated

The ordering can be controlled by passing the sort_by and/or sort_order parameters as keyword arguments, eg:

zenpy_client.search("some query", type='ticket', sort_by='created_at', sort_order='desc')

See the Zendesk docs for more information.

Querying the API

The Zenpy object contains methods for accessing many top level endpoints, and they can be called in one of three ways - no arguments returns all results (as a generator):

for user in zenpy_client.users():
    print user.name

Called with an id returns the object with that ID:

print zenpy_client.users(id=1159307768)

And the last option for many endpoints to get list of several items, use ids for this. Accepts lists of ids, not list of objects! show_many.json should exist in Zendesk endpoint, search API docs.

Example with several ids, returns generator objects:

print zenpy_client.users(ids=[1000000001, 1000000002])

You can also filter by passing in permission_set or role.

In addition to the top level endpoints there are several secondary level endpoints that reference the level above. For example, if you wanted to print all the comments on a ticket:

for comment in zenpy_client.tickets.comments(ticket=86):
    print comment.body

Or organizations attached to a user:

for organization in zenpy_client.users.organizations(user=1276936927):
    print organization.name

You could do so with these second level endpoints.

The vast majority of endpoints are supported, however I’ve chosen not to implement some that seemed unlikely to be used. If there is an endpoint that you would like to see implemented, just create a issue and I’ll look into it.

Creating, Updating and Deleting API Objects

Many endpoints support the create, update and delete operations. For example we can create a User with the following code:

from zenpy.lib.api_objects import User

user = User(name="John Doe", email="john@doe.com")
created_user = zenpy_client.users.create(user)

The create method returns the created object with it’s various attributes (such as id/ created_at) filled in by Zendesk.

We can update this user by modifying it’s attributes and calling the update method:

created_user.role = 'agent'
created_user.phone = '123 434 333'
modified_user = zenpy_client.users.update(created_user)

Like create, the update method returns the modified object.

Next, let’s assign all new tickets to this user:

for new_ticket in zenpy_client.search(type='ticket', status='new'):
    new_ticket.assignee = modified_user
    ticket_audit = zenpy_client.tickets.update(new_ticket)

When updating a ticket, a TicketAudit object is returned. This object contains the newly updated Ticket as well as some additional information in the Audit object.

Finally, let’s delete all the tickets assigned to the user:

for ticket in zenpy_client.search(type='ticket', assignee='John Doe'):

Deleting ticket returns nothing on success and raises an ApiException on failure.

Bulk Operations

Zendesk supports bulk creating, updating and deleting API objects, and so does Zenpy. The create, update and delete methods all accept either an object, or a list of objects.

For example, the code:

job_status = zenpy_client.tickets.create(
    [Ticket(subject="Ticket%s" % i, description="Bulk") for i in range(0, 20)]

will create 20 tickets in one API call. When performing bulk operations, a JobStatus object is returned. The only exception to this is bulk delete operations, which return nothing on success and raise a APIException on failure.


1. It is important to note that these bulk endpoints have restrictions on the number of objects that can be processed at one time (usually 100). Zenpy makes no attempt to regulate this. Most endpoints will throw an APIException if that limit is exceeded, however some simply process the first N objects and silently discard the rest.

2. On high intensive job loads (intensive imports, permanent delete operations, etc) Zendesk side API does not return /api/v2/job_statuses/{job_id}.json page, so if you try to query it with:

job_status = zenpy_client.job_status(id={job_id})

you will get HTTPError. In same time page: /api/v2/job_statuses/ always exist and contains last 100 jobs. So parse whole job list to get results:

job_id = 'some Zendesk job id'
job_statuses = zenpy_client.job_status()
for job in job_statuses:
    if job.id == job_id:
        do something

Incremental Exports

Zendesk has several incremental API endpoints (Zendesk documentation) to export items in bulk (up to 1000 items per request) and also to poll the API for changes since a point in time.

Incremental endpoints accept either a datetime object or a unix timestamp as the start_time parameter. For example, the following code will retrieve all tickets created or modified in the last day:

yesterday = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
result_generator = zenpy_client.users.incremental(start_time=yesterday)
for user in result_generator:
    print user.id

The last end_time value can be retrieved from the generator:

print result_generator.end_time

Passing this value to a new call as the start_time will return items created or modified since that point in time.

Cursor Based Generators

Zendesk uses cursor based pagination for the TicketAudit endpoint. The use of a cursor allows you to change the direction in which you consume objects. This is supported in Zenpy via the reversed() Python method:

audit_generator = zenpy_client.tickets.audits()
# You can retrieve the cursor values from the generator.
print(audit_generator.after_cursor, audit_generator.before_cursor)

# Iterate over the last 1000 audits.
for audit in audit_generator:

# You can pass an explicit cursor value to consume audits create after that point.
for audit in zenpy_client.tickets.audits(cursor='fDE1MTc2MjkwNTQuMHx8'):

# Reversing the generator reverses the direction in which you consume objects. The
# following grabs objects from just before the cursor value until the beginning of time.
for audit in reversed(zenpy_client.tickets.audits(cursor='fDE1MTc2MjkwNTQuMHx8')):

Zendesk also uses cursor based pagination for incremental Ticket exports and this is recommended over time based pagination for Ticket exports (Zendesk documentation).

The last after_cursor value can be retrieved from the generator:

print result_generator.after_cursor

Passing this value to a new call as zenpy_client.tickets.incremental(cursor=after_cursor, paginate_by_time=False) will return items created or modified since that point in time.

Rate Limiting

Zendesk imposes rate limiting. By default Zenpy will detect this and wait the required period before trying again, however for some use cases this is not desirable. Zenpy offers two additional configuration options to control rate limiting:

  1. proactive_ratelimit

    If you wish to avoid ever hitting the rate limit you can set the proactive_ratelimit parameter when instantiating Zenpy:

    zenpy_client = Zenpy(proactive_ratelimit=700, **creds)
  2. proactive_ratelimit_request_interval

    When utilizing the proactive_ratelimit feature, you can also specify how long to wait when you are over your proactive_ratelimit.

  3. ratelimit_budget

    If you have a maximum amount of time you are willing to wait for rate limiting, you can set the ratelimit_budget parameter. This budget is decremented for every second spent being rate limited, and when the budget is spent throws a RatelimitBudgetExceeded exception. For example, if you wish to wait no more than 60 seconds:

    zenpy_client = Zenpy(ratelimit_budget=60, **creds)


Zendesk supports “side-loading” objects to reduce the number of API calls necessary to retrieve what you are after Zendesk API Reference. Zenpy currently only minimally supports this feature, however I plan to add proper support for it soon. If this is something you really want raise an issue and I will get to it sooner. To take advantage of this feature for those endpoints that support it, simple pass an include kwarg with the objects you would like to load, eg:

for ticket in zenpy_client.tickets(include=['users']):

The code above will not need to generate an additional API call to retrieve the submitter as it was returned and cached along with the ticket.


Zenpy support caching objects to prevent API calls, and each Zenpy instance has it’s own set of caches.

If we turn logging on, we can see Zenpy caching in action. The code:

me = zenpy_client.users.me()
user = zenpy_client.users(id=me.id)
user = zenpy_client.users(id=me.id)


DEBUG - GET: https://d3v-zenpydev.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/me.json - {'timeout': 60.0}
DEBUG - Caching: [User(id=116514121092)]
DEBUG - Cache HIT: [User 116514121092]
DEBUG - Cache HIT: [User 116514121092]

Here we see that only one API call is generated, as the user already existed in the cache after the first call.

This feature is especially useful when combined with side-loading. As an example, the following code:

ticket = zenpy_client.tickets(id=6569, include='users')


DEBUG - Cache MISS: [Ticket 6569]
DEBUG - GET: https://d3v-zenpydev.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/6569.json?include=users - {'timeout': 60.0}
DEBUG - Caching: [Ticket(id=6569)]
DEBUG - Caching: [User(id=116514121092)]
DEBUG - Cache HIT: [User 116514121092]

We can see that because we “side-loaded” users, an extra API call was not generated when we attempted to access the requester attribute.

Controlling Caching

The Zenpy object contains methods for adding, removing and modifying caches. Each object type can have a different cache implementation and settings. For example, you might use a TTLCache for Ticket objects with a timeout of one minute, and a LFUCache for Organization objects. It’s even possible to change cache implementations on the fly.

For example, to also cache SatisfactionRatings:

zenpy_client.add_cache(object_type='satisfaction_rating', cache_impl_name='LRUCache', maxsize=10000)

Cache method reference

add_cache(object_type, cache_impl_name, maxsize, **kwargs)

Add a new cache for the named object type and cache implementation


Returns available caching engines.


Returns caching status.


Deletes the named cache


Disable caching of objects.


Enable caching of objects.


Returns the name of the cache implementation for the named cache


Returns the maxsize attribute of the named cache


Returns a list of current caches


Purges the named cache.

set_cache_implementation(cache_name, impl_name, maxsize, **kwargs)

Changes the cache implementation for the named cache

set_cache_max(cache_name, maxsize, **kwargs)

Sets the maxsize attribute of the named cache

Zenpy Endpoint Reference

class Zenpy(domain='zendesk.com', subdomain=None, email=None, token=None, oauth_token=None, password=None, session=None, timeout=None, ratelimit_budget=None, proactive_ratelimit=None, proactive_ratelimit_request_interval=10, disable_cache=False)

users(*args, **kwargs)
add_tags(id, tags)

Add (PUT) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to tag

  • tags – array of tags to apply to object

create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create


Creates a user (POST) if the user does not already exist, or updates an existing user identified by e-mail address or external ID.


users – User object or list of User objects


the created/updated User or a JobStatus object if a list was passed

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete


Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects by external_id.



delete_tags(id, tags)

Delete (DELETE) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to delete tag from

  • tags – array of tags to delete from object


List Deleted Users.

These are users that have been deleted but not permanently yet. Zendesk API Reference.


incremental(start_time, include=None, per_page=None)

Retrieve bulk data from the incremental API.

  • include – list of objects to sideload. Side-loading API Docs.

  • start_time – The time of the oldest object you are interested in.


Return the logged in user


include – list of objects to sideload. Side-loading API Docs.

set_tags(id, tags)

Set (POST) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to tag

  • tags – array of tags to apply to object


Lists the most popular recent tags in decreasing popularity from a specific ticket.

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update


Update (PUT) one or more API objects by external_id.



tickets(*args, **kwargs)
add_tags(id, tags)

Add (PUT) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to tag

  • tags – array of tags to apply to object

create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

delete_tags(id, tags)

Delete (DELETE) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to delete tag from

  • tags – array of tags to delete from object


List Deleted Tickets.

These are tickets that have been deleted but not permanently yet. See Permanently delete ticket in Zendesk API docs


ResultGenerator with Tickets objects with length 0 of no deleted tickets exist.

events(start_time, include=None, per_page=None)

Retrieve TicketEvents

  • include – list of objects to sideload. Side-loading API Docs.

  • start_time – time to retrieve events from.

incremental(start_time=None, paginate_by_time=True, cursor=None, include=None, per_page=None)

Incrementally retrieve Tickets.

If paginate_by_time is True, a ZendeskResultGenerator is returned to handle time based pagination. This is defaulted to True for backwards compatibility but is not recommended by Zendesk.

If paginate_by_time is False, a TicketCursorGenerator is returned to handle cursor based pagination. This is recommended by Zendesk.

The TicketCursorGenerator allows you to change the direction that you are consuming objects. This is done with the reversed() python method.

For example:

for ticket in reversed(zenpy_client.tickets.incremental(cursor='xxx')):

See the Zendesk docs for information on additional parameters.

  • start_time – the time of the oldest object you are interested in, applies to both time/cursor based pagination.

  • paginate_by_time – True to use time based pagination, False to use cursor based pagination.

  • cursor – cursor value of the page you are interested in, can’t be set with start_time.

  • include – list of objects to sideload. Side-loading API Docs.

  • per_page – number of results per page, up to max 1000


Retrieve TicketMetric incremental


start_time – time to retrieve events from.


Permanently delete ticket. See Zendesk API docs

Ticket should be softly deleted first with regular delete method.


tickets – Ticket object or list of tickets objects


JobStatus object

rate(id, rating)

Add (POST) a satisfaction rating.

  • id – id of object to rate

  • rating – SatisfactionRating


Retrieve the most recent tickets

set_tags(id, tags)

Set (POST) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to tag

  • tags – array of tags to apply to object


Lists the most popular recent tags in decreasing popularity from a specific ticket.

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

organizations(*args, **kwargs)
add_tags(id, tags)

Add (PUT) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to tag

  • tags – array of tags to apply to object

create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create


Creates an organization if it doesn’t already exist, or updates an existing organization identified by ID or external ID


organization – Organization object


the created/updated Organization

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete


Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects by external_id.



delete_tags(id, tags)

Delete (DELETE) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to delete tag from

  • tags – array of tags to delete from object

external(external_id, include=None)

Locate an Organization by it’s external_id attribute.

  • include – list of objects to sideload. Side-loading API Docs.

  • external_id – external id of organization

incremental(start_time, include=None, per_page=None)

Retrieve bulk data from the incremental API.

  • include – list of objects to sideload. Side-loading API Docs.

  • start_time – The time of the oldest object you are interested in.

set_tags(id, tags)

Set (POST) one or more tags.

  • id – the id of the object to tag

  • tags – array of tags to apply to object


Lists the most popular recent tags in decreasing popularity from a specific ticket.

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update


Update (PUT) one or more API objects by external_id.



views(*args, **kwargs)

Return all active views.


Return compact views - See: Zendesk API Reference

create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

Search views. See Zendesk API Reference.

  • args – query is the only accepted arg.

  • kwargs – search parameters

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

requests(*args, **kwargs)

Return all ccd requests


Return comments for request

create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create


Return all open requests

search(*args, **kwargs)

Search for requests. See the Zendesk docs for more information on the syntax.


Return all solved requests

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

groups(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

chats(*args, **kwargs)
incremental(start_time, **kwargs)

Retrieve bulk data from the chat incremental API.

  • fields – list of fields to retrieve. Chat API Docs.

  • start_time – The time of the oldest object you are interested in.

group_memberships(*args, **kwargs)

Return GroupMemberships that are assignable.

create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

end_user(*args, **kwargs)
update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

macros(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

organization_fields(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

sla_policies(*args, **kwargs)
delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

automations(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

brands(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

custom_agent_roles(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

dynamic_content(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

organization_memberships(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

recipient_addresses(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

sharing_agreements(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

skips(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

targets(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

ticket_fields(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

ticket_forms(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

ticket_import(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

triggers(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

user_fields(*args, **kwargs)
create(api_objects, **kwargs)

Create (POST) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to create

delete(api_objects, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more API objects. After successfully deleting the objects from the API they will also be removed from the relevant Zenpy caches.


api_objects – object or objects to delete

update(api_objects, **kwargs)

Update (PUT) one or more API objects. Before being submitted to Zendesk the object or objects will be serialized to JSON.


api_objects – object or objects to update

attachments(*args, **kwargs)
download(attachment_id, destination)

Download an attachment from Zendesk.

  • attachment_id – id of the attachment to download

  • destination – destination path. If a directory, the file will be placed in the directory with the filename from the Attachment object.


the path the file was written to

upload(fp, token=None, target_name=None, content_type=None)

Upload a file to Zendesk.

  • fp – file object, StringIO instance, content, or file path to be uploaded

  • token – upload token for uploading multiple files

  • target_name – name of the file inside Zendesk


Upload object containing a token and other information see Zendesk API Reference.

nps(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieve NPS Recipients incremental


start_time – time to retrieve events from.


Retrieve NPS Responses incremental


start_time – time to retrieve events from.

suspended_tickets(*args, **kwargs)

Delete (DELETE) one or more SuspendedTickets.


tickets – one or more SuspendedTickets to delete


Recover (PUT) one or more SuspendedTickets.


tickets – one or more SuspendedTickets to recover

satisfaction_ratings(*args, **kwargs)

search(*args, **kwargs)

The search endpoint accepts all the parameters defined in the Zendesk Search Documentation. Zenpy defines several keywords that are mapped to the Zendesk comparison operators:




: (equality)


> (numeric|type)


< (numeric|type)


> (time|date)


< (time|date)


- (negation)


> < (dates only)

For example the call:

zenpy.search("zenpy", created_between=[yesterday, today], type='ticket', minus='negated')

Would generate the following API call:

  /api/v2/search.json?query=zenpy+created>2015-08-29 created<2015-08-30+type:ticket+-negated

.. py:method:: count(*args, **kwargs)

  Returns results count only

activities(*args, **kwargs)

help_center(*args, **kwargs)

job_status(*args, **kwargs)

tags(*args, **kwargs)

talk(*args, **kwargs)

ticket_metric_events(*args, **kwargs)

An IncrementalEndpoint takes a start_time parameter for querying the incremental api endpoint.

Note: The Zendesk API expects UTC time. If a timezone aware datetime object is passed Zenpy will convert it to UTC, however if a naive object or unix timestamp is passed there is nothing Zenpy can do. It is recommended to always pass timezone aware objects to this endpoint.

  • start_time – unix timestamp or datetime object

  • include – list of items to sideload

ticket_metrics(*args, **kwargs)

topics(*args, **kwargs)